Together We Are


HCM Defender is an organization that is tasked with helping all participants (service suppliers and HCMs) with tools, resources, and information that will lower security risks. This industry alliance will be overseen by volunteer leaders from organizations in the industry and will act much like NATO was designed (an attack against one is an attack against all).

Together We Are


HCM Defender is an organization that is tasked with helping all participants (service suppliers and HCMs) with tools, resources, and information that will lower security risks. This industry utility will be overseen by volunteer leaders from organizations in the industry and will act much like NATO (an attack against one is an attack against all).



Membership Benefits

Our services are delivered to members who pay a membership fee based on the size of the organization. Some of the benefits of membership include…

  • Access to Best Practices and Standards Insights

  • Cybersecurity Remediation Resources

  • Incident Response Advisory Services



Unite and Defend

Our mission is to provide services to everyone in an industry in a non-biased manner so that services and costs can be improved over what any one member of the industry can accomplish on their own.  By banding together as an industry alliance specific to a security effort, we have the best chance to help all constituents in the industry fight back against internal and external data crimes.

The ultimate mission is to lower cybersecurity risk across the entire industry by a substantial amount. We want digital criminals to simply move on from the HCM space because it is too difficult to get an ROI on their illegal efforts.



Industry Problems & Solutions

To provide high value, we are taking the approach of providing clarity around the problems that will need to be solved each year. We know these will change and the resources provided must evolve along with criminals and attack vectors.


Trusted Sources

Most HCMs and providers do not have trusted sources to get advice from when a breach occurs. The amplifier of this problem is that when an event does happen, there is little time to figure out who can provide the best advice.


Share And Collaborate

Cybersecurity events and defensive methods are not topics that are well broadcasted. However, members are often willing to share with their peers in the industry. HCM Defender can be a resource to help members know other industry peers who can provide valuable experience.


Monitor and Report

By providing a confidential space for organizations to report on an event, HCM Defender will be able to log what is happening in the market and aggregate that information to warn the industry about specific dangers.